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Fresh Coast K9 provides green, pre-trained and fully trained dual purpose or single purpose police K9s. We train detection (explosives or narcotics), patrol, tracking, obedience and article searches depending on client needs.  We can also train a variety of other detection specialties upon request (cellphones/electronics, tobacco, firearms, etc.).  Fresh Coast K9 offers several levels of K9 training for the specific wants and needs of your department or handler, to include a 5 week handler course with equipment package and 3 private follow-up consultations within the first year of operational status. Our handler course is a mixture of dog training theory and practice, legality around K9 usage and scenario based training. By pairing a pre-trained K9 with the handler, we can maximize training time in the 5 week schedule.  Upon graduation of our course, the K9 team is provided with bi-monthly maintenance training free of charge. Fresh Coast K9 also offers a health and performance warranty for K9s trained in our program.



Foundational Green Dogs are pre-trained in basic police dog functions but are not finished in training progressions. This is an attractive option for departments or units who have the ability to complete the K9 training on their own, but want a solid foundation in place to start with.


SINGLE PURPOSE GREEN- basic foundational obedience and odor imprinting. $9000


DUAL PURPOSE GREEN- basic foundational obedience, tracking, bite work and odor imprinting. $11000



Pre-trained K9s are trained anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks prior to the handler course, in the basic functions of a police dog (single or dual purpose). This includes odor imprinting, basic obedience commands, tracking, grip development and apprehension targeting, depending on specialty. The K9 will have been exposed to various environmental and situational components that mimic real-world operational objectives.


Once the K9 is ready, the handler and K9 will be paired together for the 5 week handler course. The handler course is designed to integrate the dog team and prepare them for operational status. With high expectations upon graduation, the basic handler course will provide the officers with the legal and practical skill knowledge to be as ready as they can be for the street. With this customized approach, the handler can feel confident that the dog has seen as many practical and real-world pictures as possible.


Additional time and resources may be required to meet specific client needs, certification standards and/or operational objectives. A basic equipment package is also included.





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Looking to start a K9 Unit at your agency but don't know where to begin? Do you have an existing K9 Unit but have too many questions about it or need an independent review? Whether you are just starting up a dog unit or you need an outside entity to review an existing one, we can help. 


Fresh Coast K9 offers independent consultations or evaluations of your K9 program in regard to: selecting the right K9, K9 maintenance training, record keeping, policy considerations, equipment status, training improvements, funding, industry trends and legal updates and public relations.


Fresh Coast K9 can also help with K9 selection testing and evaluating of working dog prospects. Selecting the right dog is not as easy as one may think. Let Fresh Coast K9 take the guess work out of the equation by working with us to choose what dog is best for you and your agency.


In today's world of optics, there is no need to travel along the same path as before. Let Fresh Coast K9 provide an honest, fair and independent assessment of your program in order to keep your K9 asset at the tip of the spear!

Contracted K9 Training Services


Dog handlers are not always dog trainers.


Fresh Coast K9 understands that being a dog handler doesn't always mean you have the knowledge and experience to properly train and maintain a working K9 after completing a handler course.  We also know firsthand the expectations that come with being a handler and the pressure to perform.  Sometimes the challenge is a logistical problem of sourcing proper equipment, training venues or decoy work. Other times it is the "this is how we've always done it" or just "training for certifications" mindset that occurs out of habit.  Couple that with social media "training" videos and information and now you have more questions than answers about why the dog does this or won't do that.


Fresh Coast K9 can help alleviate some of these training challenges by offering Police/Working dog K9 Trainer Contract services. When you partner with Fresh Coast K9, we can take the guess-work out of the training day equation. We will look at the strengths and weaknesses of each dog team and then customize a training plan or progression.  We can attend your training day or session and offer in-person guidance and training experience for each individual dog and team. This can be especially beneficial for agencies with varying training schedules, or whose dog team may miss out on the regular training group schedule. We offer scenario-based training, apprehension and grip work targeting, hard and soft surface tracking, detection problem solving, backup desensitization and much more.


Fresh Coast K9 wants to move your K9 Team or Unit beyond the realm of training just enough to pass a yearly certification! We want to make each dog team the best they can be, while focusing on quality training and maximizing the training day time.  When you partner with Fresh Coast K9, you are getting peace of mind that each training day is as productive as it can be with good, foundational training for YOUR agency. Training groups are only as good as the knowledge and effort put forth. Yet often times the dogs are at different stages in their training and you need someone who can recognize what each dog needs and when to apply it so that nobody is left behind on training day. 


Contact us today and see what contracted services might best serve you and your agency.

CONTACT INFO  231-233-8671

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